2016 STRONGHOLD Season
Today, and at more than 125 events around the world this season, Alliances of three robots are on a Quest to breach their opponents’ fortifications, weaken their tower with boulders, and capture their tower.
The MARS/WARS robotics team competed in two FRC regionals, the Central Illinois Regional and the Midwest Regional.
CIR was our first competition of 2016, which ended up being the third week of competitions. Even though our driver, Anthony Wessel, had a broken arm, we ended up as the ninth ranked team. When alliance selection came along, we were picked first by Team 4646, ASAP, the captain of alliance five. They also picked Team 4096, Ctrl-Z, as their second pick. We fought hard, but we were eliminated in the quarterfinals by alliance number four in two matches. During the award ceremony we were giving Excellence in Engineering Award.
Next competition was the Midwest Regional, which was the fifth week of competitions. This year we worked with a new drive train, a twerve with a belt. We ended this regional as the fifth ranked team. We ended up being the captain of alliance three. After talking with other teams, we decided to pick Team 1756, Argos, and Team 375, Robotic Plague. After a tough round, we were eliminated in the quarterfinals in three matches against alliance number six. We were disappointed that we wouldn't be going to Worlds but we were excited that our fellow Peoria robotics team, Team 1736, Robot Casserole was the overall winner and would be going to Worlds.